OCBS Steelhead Championship Series
~ Fishing Tournament Rules ~

The $20.00 entry fee is good for all five tournament dates. Entries must be paid prior to the dates of the outing and you must be a current OCBS club member.

You can sign up for the tournament at OCBS Membership Meetings or on the OCBS website via the links provided. You must be registered prior to participating in any tournament events.

Tournament Dates:
The five tournament legs will take place during the Fall, Winter and Spring of the current steelhead season. The dates will be determined by the Tournament Director and approved by the OCBS Board of Directors. Dates will be published in the monthly newsletter and the OCBS web site.

You may start fishing at 6:00 AM the day of the Tournament and must stop fishing at 4:00 PM. Any fish caught after 4:00 PM are not permitted to be checked in.

You must check in and report your catch to the Tournament Director or his assistant no later than 4:30 PM on the tournament date. NO FISH will be accepted after 4:30 PM ~ NO grace period, NO exceptions.

Check In:
Fish will be checked in electronically via text messaging to the Tournament Director at (440)840-2774. Facebook messaging is not authorized.

Where to Fish:
Fishing is permitted only in Ohio tributaries and surf of Lake Erie. No lake or river fishing from a boat is permitted. Watercrafts are permitted for transportation only.

Tournament fishing is NOT permitted at the Ford on the Ashtabula River. O.C.B.S. considers this a sensitive area and hopes to work with the landowner to allow access in the future

Number of Fish to Enter:
You may enter a total of 2 Steelhead trout per tournament leg. A total of 10 fish can be checked in for the five tournament legs; i.e. two fish per leg. The minimum fish length is 24″ inches. Only steelhead trout may be entered. No Salmon or Brown trout will be accepted. Dressed or frozen fish will not be accepted.

All entries must follow current State of Ohio Fishing Regulations.

Measurement & Verification:
All Competitors must have the fish length verified by their partner or a fellow competitor.  Measure the fish from lip to the tip of tail along the lateral line using a soft material measuring type to the nearest 1/8 inch.  Sweep the tail to determine the maximum length. The Club will provide measuring tapes to those members signed up for the Tournament. Tapes are available at the general membership meetings.

Catch and Release of fish is encouraged. Please remember to gently release fish and return them to the water as quickly as possible, using proper catch and release techniques.

Winning Criteria:
The winners of each individual tournament leg will be determined based on the total length of the two longest fish checked in that day. The overall series winners will be the steelheaders with the longest two fish total for each of the five tournament legs. While a total of 10 fish may be checked-in, only the longest six fish will be counted to determine the overall tournament winners. Winners will be notified within two days of each fishing date. 

Tie Breakers:
In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, the winner will be determined using the length of their largest fish.  If the measurement of that fish results in a tie, the winner will be determined using the length of their second largest fish, etc.

The First Place winner of the combined overall Tournament Series will be awarded an OCBS plaque, and the choice of a sterling silver OCBS belt buckle or a Premium fly or Spinning/Float Rod.

Second Place overall series winner will receive an engraved OCBS plaque and a Premium Spinning or Fly Reel valued at $200.00 retail.

The Third Place overall series winner will receive an OCBS Plaque and a $75.00 Gift Certificate or Tackle Pack.

End of Series Raffle Prizes:
All participants are automatically entered in the raffle. Participants will earn an additional ticket for each fish checked in meeting tournament requirements, A total of 11 raffle tickets can be earned for the raffle. Entry fee ticket plus up to 10 ten tickets for fish checked in. The top raffle prize will be a Premium Fly, Float or Spinning Rod valued at $400.00 retail.  The raffle will also include three $50.00 Tackle Packs.  The Raffle will take place at the April General Membership Meeting.

Polygraph Testing:
Note: 1st and 2nd place winners and their partners may be subject to a polygraph exam.

Stream Ethics:
Practice Stream Ethics; Remember that you represent OCBS and that your actions while streamside are a reflection on the Club and its members. Be considerate of other anglers and treat them as you would want to be treated.

Questions & Concerns
The Tournament Director’s decision will be final.

Note: If you have any questions, please contact either John Beedlow Jr, Tournament Director, Tom Blotzer, President or Les Ober, Vice President at the monthly membership meetings or give them a telephone call. Their phone numbers are listed on the inside cover of the monthly newsletter.

Revised: 06/3/2024